דוא"ל / נייד / טלפון:
זכור אותי שכחתי סיסמה

In the harsh conditions of the First Aliya with the struggle for Jewish Labor and conflict between the workers and farm managers, the "Hadera Commune" accepted the proposal of Dr. Arthur Ruppin, head of the Zionist Federation's Land of Israel Office, to work the lands of Umm Juni independently, under their own responsibility. Thus was founded Degania, "The Mother of the Kibbutzim," laying the foundations for the cooperative settlement movement in Palestine.

The "Hadera commune"

They wrote:
"On the 25th of Tishrei, 5671 (1910) we have arrived, ten men and two women, to receive the inventory from the "labor conquest group". We have proceeded to establish an independent settlement of Jewish workers in the national homeland - a Commune." 
As the first Kibbutz Degania is a landmark in the history of the Zionist movement and the state of Israel.
It was there that the principles of independent work and collective life materialized. After Degania, hundreds of kibbutzim were established, drawing the borders of a state on its' way, the state of Israel. Some  of those groups' members received their training on Degania.
Although Degania is known as  "the mother of the collectives and the kibbutzim", Degania also differs some in her way of life from the other kibbutzim and collectives which arose after her. Contrary to the other Kibbutzim, Degania kept the children in the family core and never had separate sleeping quarters for the children - they always slept at home within the family unit. Hired  labor always existed in Degania, and Degania was known in her liberal approach with understanding of the needs of the individual.
From the beginning of its existance Degania was allways evolving. During the past few years, this procesee  has advanced quickly, of which at the end she will emerge as a different Degania.




                     Degania grain silo
                                     The Jordan River, Degania on the
                                       right corner  1914

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כל הזכויות שמורות לקהילה-נט פתרונות תוכנה בע"מ 2003-2025 (c)
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