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Virtual Tour >>  The Archive


The archive building

During the 90 years of Degania A’s existence many documents and certificates have been collected which shed light not only on the kibbutz itself, but on the whole settlement endeavor in the country up to the establishment of the state, and since its establishment to the present day. The material is arranged in eleven sorted groupings and is currently being digitalized.

Whats in the archive?

  1. Degania ‘A’: institutions, branches, economic and social enterprises.
  2. National enterprises: by virtue of member’s work and participation in them.
  3. Files of individuals.
  4. Interviews.
  5. Movies and tapes: audio and video.
  6. Books written by Degania members, and books in which Degania and its members are mentioned.
  7. A photograph archive: Including 60 thousand items, of them 20 thousand photographs and the remainder negatives. Among the pictures – photographs by the country’s first photographers, such as Ben-Dov, Susskin and more. The negatives are by Degania’s photographers: Eliezer Shalev, Avshalom Strood, Arik Belkind, Hagai Ilan and Yuval Sion – who put their private archives at the disposal of the Degania archive. Additional photographers: Herbert Zonenfeld, Kluer, Naphtali and photographers who worked in the service of Keren Hayesod, the Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Agency.
    We are presently computerizing the collection:
    Stage A – scanning and burning on CD Roms, in order to preserve the originals.
    Stage B – sorting and categorizing – activating a search engine to facilitate accessing of pictures by different criterea.
    Stage C – transfer of information via the internet.

Telephone: 972-(0)4-6608410, Fax: 972-(0)4-6608017
Email: deg_arch@degania.org.il

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