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זכור אותי שכחתי סיסמה

Virtual Tour >>  Degania’s cemetery


Degania’s cemetery is situated at the northwest area of the kibbutz. Among the kibbutz members buried there are well known figures from the outside, such as:

  • Sarah Malchin – one of the first pioneers of the country.
  • A.D. Gordon – the spiritual father of the Second Aliyah.
  • Arthur Ruppin – the father of the working settlements. Director of the Land of Israel Office.
  • Leopold Greenberg – one of the first British Zionists. He represented Dr. Herzl in the negotiations with the British Government over the issue of Jewish settlement in the Sinai.
  • Dr. Nathan Zaltsman – one of the founders of the Fund in the United States and a loyal Histadrut activist.
  • Chaim Herman Kalenbach of Johanessburg, who worked with Ghandi against racial discrimination.
  • Shoshanah Dunkelman of the Muller family – chairwoman of the
  • Haddasah counsel in Toronto, an activist in the Aliyat Hanoar and also in the Canadian Red Cross organization.
  • Aharon Halevi – man of nature, designer and painter.

In the military plot are buried soldiers who fought in the War of Independence in the Jordan Valley and its surroundings as well as the sons and members of Degania who fell in Israel’s wars.

In the cemetery is a monument with engravings of the names of Degania members’ relatives who perished in the Holocaust.

Memorial day ceremony
The cemetery after the war of independence

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