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זכור אותי שכחתי סיסמה

Virtual Tour >>  Mula Garden

On the 26th of Kislev _____, 1st of May 1943, the battleship Erinfora was bombed by a German plane while sailing, as the flagship in a convoy of the British Navy, from Alexandria to Malta.
The ship sank with 300 soldiers of the 462nd Jewish Transport unit on its deck.
One hundred forty of the company’s men drowned, among them our son Shmuel (Mula) Tanfilov.
On the 15th of Shvat ____, February 1944, in memory of him, we planted a grove overlooking a small pool.
We also placed a stone in the grove In memory of the 140 volunteers to the British Army there was erected a memorial stone in the form of a ship at the Mount Herzl Cemetery in Jerusalem.

Children at the pond
The pond today

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כל הזכויות שמורות לקהילה-נט פתרונות תוכנה בע"מ 2003-2025 (c)
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